Course Catalog

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Better Together (Two Factor Authentication)

This micro-learning module explains two-factor authentication in a delicious way! 0:35 minutes

Secure Password Storage (Video)

This short video introduces methods employees can use to store passwords securely. Topics include physical security and password storage applications. 1:05 minutes

Creating Strong Passwords (Video)

This short video details the process of choosing secure, robust passphrases in under one minute. 0:46 minutes

Securing Privileged Access

This module will discuss the issue of securing privileged access, including the fundamentals of access security and the dangers that can be caused by a misused account. 5:50 minutes

Introduction to Account Takeover Attacks (ATO)

Learn about account takeover attacks: what they are, what they aim for, and how to keep yourself safe from them. 5:32 minutes

Password Security for Educators

Our interactive Password Security module stresses the importance of following internal policies regarding access to sensitive student information. 10:01 minutes

Password Security for Financial Institutions

Our interactive Password Security module stresses the importance of following internal policies regarding access to sensitive financial information. 9:32 minutes

Password Security for Healthcare Managers

It will show healthcare managers how to pick strong passwords and keep them safe, how to securely set passwords for employees and how to help employees with password security related challenges. 10:32 minutes

Password Security for Healthcare Executives

This module will teach healthcare executives how to create strong passwords and keep them safe, and how they can support secure password management policies and habits within their companies. 10:46 minutes

Password Security for Healthcare Professionals and Providers

This module stresses the importance of following internal policies regarding creating complex, effective passwords to protect access to protected health information. 9:25 minutes

Password Security for Managers

This module will show managers how to pick strong passwords and keep them safe, how to securely set passwords for employees and how to help employees with password security related issues. 11:50 minutes

Password Security for Executives

This module will teach executives how to create strong passwords and keep them safe, and show how they can personally support secure password management policies and habits within their companies. 10:39 minutes

WORKed Episode 4: Coffee Guy

Watch to discover Charlie’s password to EVERYTHING. Help your employees select strong passwords with this WORKed training module. 2:00 minutes

Password Security Brief

This module will summarize the best practices associated with creating and managing strong passwords, how to safely store passwords and what to do if you suspect that a password has been compromised. 3:59 minutes

Password Security

Our interactive Password Security module shows learners how to create complex, but easy-to-remember, passwords following best practices for password creation. 21:16 minutes

Need to Know: Password Security

A system is only as secure as its password. Join Anthony and Daryl as they get to grips with the challenges of creating a strong password … because safety is not as easy as 1-2-3. 3:51 minutes

How Much Is Too Much? (Password Security)

In less than one minute, this video reinforces the importance of keeping passwords private. 1:00 minutes

Data Security

In this module, learners are introduced to the concept of data security, its significance, and the risks posed by insecure data handling. 9:51 minutes
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