


In today's dynamic and interconnected world, businesses confront an expanding range of risks, including cyber threats, data breaches, operational disruptions, and financial losses. To thrive in this environment, organizations require a robust and comprehensive risk management solution that enables them to effectively identify, assess, and mitigate potential hazards. 


DEFEND360™ is a full-service cybersecurity solution that integrates proactive threat prevention with robust defense measures, delivering comprehensive protection for businesses and organizations. 

Experience the TechGuard Difference 

The TechGuard difference is more than just an approach; it’s a mindset that fosters a culture of risk awareness throughout your organization. Our program and resources are designed to educate your employees about risk management, empowering them to identify and report potential hazards. It's a partnership with a team of experienced risk management professionals who provide comprehensive support and training to ensure you get the most out of our services, making impactful changes to your organization. 

Secure Your Organization's Future with TechGuard 

For organizations seeking to effectively manage and mitigate risks, our knowledge and experience will help you navigate the complexities of the information security risk landscape with confidence, securing your organization's success in the face of ever-evolving cybersecurity challenges. 


Security Awareness Training 

Enable your “human firewall” with our award-winning S.H.I.E.L.D. Cybersecurity Awareness Training.

Information Security Risk Assessment Suite 

Risk Assessment- An in-depth evaluation of your organization's security risks as built for your needs. Develop a strategic action plan to fortify weaknesses in your organizational functions. 

Core Risk Assessment- A thorough assessment to provide an initial snapshot of your current security posture to provide immediate action and begin your roadmap to security. 

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)- Add Executive level guidance and oversight without having to make a hire. Ongoing support aligned with your security strategy and business objectives, included as a foundational element of our Information Security Program. 

Third-Party Vendor Risk Management- Ensure that your supply chain isn’t the weak link in your security posture. We evaluate and mitigate risks associated with your third-party vendors. 

Compliance Consulting- Understand and meet the requirements relevant to your industry, reducing the risk. Our experts help you navigate the complex landscape of regulatory compliance. 

Incident Response Planning & Tabletop Exercise - Fail to prepare; prepare to fail. Gain insight and identify opportunities to improve with simulated cybersecurity incidents. Enhanced readiness reduces the downtime and damage caused by a real-world incident.  

Vulnerability Management Suite 

External Vulnerability Scans- Gain insight through an external attacker’s view. Scan external-facing assets through the eyes of an attacker to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited for initial access to compromise your networks or client data. 

Internal Vulnerability Scans- Shift perspective to an assumed compromise. See what the attacker sees from inside your network. Identify vulnerabilities within internal systems, devices, and configurations which would aid an attacker in compromising your organization. 

Continuous Scanning and Monitoring- Over 70 new vulnerabilities are reported daily. Discover and remediate vulnerabilities in real time, taking away an attacker’s most lucrative way in. 

Web Application Vulnerability Scans- External-facing web applications for vulnerabilities and weaknesses, providing actionable insights to secure an easily accessed part of your organization’s outward facing attack surface. 

Cloud Assessments- Evaluate your cloud configurations and services for security best practices, ensuring your data remains protected across all cloud platforms. 

Penetration Testing Suite 

External Network Penetration Testing- Actively test external network infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. Targets include perimeter defenses and infrastructure like firewalls, routers, and servers. 

Internal Network Penetration Testing- Starting with an assumed compromise of your internal network, we identify what sensitive information could be accessed by actively testing and exploiting internal network assets, providing a clear and actionable report to secure your network from real-world incidents. 

Web Application Penetration Testing- Test web applications for vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and security misconfigurations. We provide comprehensive testing of authentication mechanisms, data encryption, and session management, among other critical security areas. 

Physical Device Penetration Test-  Our physical device penetration testing evaluates the security of these devices against unauthorized access, data extraction, and other malicious activities. This service is essential for organizations that handle sensitive information through devices. 

External Cloud Penetration Test- Evaluate your cloud environments for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations through active testing and exploitation. Our process tests the defenses, versioning, and configuration of cloud infrastructure, applications, and services against a comprehensive set of criteria to ensure they are secure against external threats. 

TechGuardDefensive Suite

Endpoint Security- Next-Gen Antivirus, device security posture validation and folder/file/process allow/block for fine control. 

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)- Extensive visibility of endpoint activity (processes and forensic telemetry) allows pre- and post-breach analysis with proactive remote remediation actions. 

Endpoint Data Governance- Scan emails and cloud file sharing for unauthorized disclosure of both privacy-sensitive and business-sensitive information. 

Wi-Fi Phishing- Detecting connections to suspicious Wi-Fi access points. 

Mobile Device Management (MDM)- Monitor, manage and secure corporate or personally owned mobile devices running multiple operating systems. 

Network Security- Cloud-based VPN and Firewall for easy setup and operation of Distributed & Remote Work. 

Cloud Security- CASB- based detection and mitigation of access violation, identity compromise, abnormal user and admin activity, and malware presence in cloud applications. 

Secure Web Gateway- DNS filtering, Allow/Block lists. 

Zero Trust Network Access- Verify each user, device, and network flow before granting access to corporate resources. 

Email Security- E-mail phishing protection, Malware scanning and blocking. 

User Data Governance- Scan emails and cloud file sharing for unauthorized disclosure of both privacy-sensitive and business-sensitive information. 

Secure Messages- Outbound sender-to-recipient email encryption. 

Inbound Gateway- Proxy-based inbound email filtering. 

Encompassing security framework compliance, expansive training solutions, proactive assessments, and modular security solutions, Defend360™ secures your company’s networks, software, operations, policies, and people. 

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