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Removable Media for Educators

This interactive module covers security risks to educational institutions posed by removable media, and risks of student data breaches from lost or stolen media. 7:42 minutes

Physical Security And Student Records

This module will review best practices for physical security as it relates to protecting printed student educational and personal information and electronic record transmission. 9:32 minutes

Malware for Educators

This interactive module defines malware and details the dangers it poses to educational institutions, as well as preventative actions. 7:15 minutes

Mobile Security for Educators

This module identifies the security risks educational institutions face from business-based mobile device use. 6:00 minutes

FERPA for Post-Secondary Education

In this module, we identify types of information protected by Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and specific regulations for post-secondary institutions. 7:43 minutes

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

This module covers the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), discusses the types of student education record information covered and what must be documented when a FERPA request is made. 7:14 minutes


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