Course Catalog

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Physical Security and PHI for Healthcare Executives

This module reviews best practices for physical security as it relates to HIPAA compliance, including facility access, device storage, physical record management and electronic record transmission. 11:42 minutes

Physical Security for Managers

Managers have a responsibility to reinforce the importance of physical security in the office to keep data secure, and how to avoid theft and misuse of printed materials and unattended technology. 9:28 minutes

Physical Security and PHI

HIPAA includes specific requirements for physical safeguards that every organization should have in place to secure protected health information (PHI). 10:19 minutes

Physical Security for Executives

This module for executives covers methods for keeping physical records secure, secure record destruction, encryption and building access. 10:17 minutes

Data Retention

This module walks learners through common data retention plans, data types typically subject to data retention policies and secure data disposal considerations. 4:32 minutes

Data Destruction

This module reinforces the importance of secure data-disposal methods and shares best practices for disposal of sensitive data. 2:17 minutes

Software Licensing (Video)

This brief video covers the appropriate methods for installing and licensing software. 2:00 minutes

EAL Malware

This module teaches learners how to avoid falling victim to malware. 1:46 minutes

Appropriate Use of Software (Video)

In less than 60 seconds, this module covers how to legally use products of creative software. 0:58 minutes

Intellectual Property

This module covers important intellectual property protection mechanisms (patents, trademarks, and copyrights) and how they apply to various types of products, including software and digital media. 5:38 minutes

Intellectual Property Rights (Video)

This video covers the basics of US copyright and trademark laws. 1:45 minutes

Antivirus (Video)

This video details the threats antivirus software can and cannot mitigate. 0:47 minutes

Updates And Patches (Video)

This module covers the importance of regular software patches and updates, and also details how to avoid malicious updates from untrusted sources. 1:39 minutes

Secure Configuration

This awareness module covers concepts and best practices related to ensuring devices are configured securely. 8:49 minutes

Security Misconfiguration

In this module, we define security misconfiguration and offer tips on improving server security. 3:29 minutes

Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities

This module discusses use of components with known vulnerabilities that may undermine application defenses and enable various attacks. 3:29 minutes

Vulnerability Management

This awareness module covers identification and remediation of security vulnerabilities. 5:35 minutes

OWASP A10 - Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

This module covers insufficient logging and monitoring. 3:48 minutes

OWASP A6 - Security Misconfiguration

This module covers security misconfigurations. 4:04 minutes

OWASP A9 - Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities

This module covers using components with known vulnerabilities. 4:21 minutes

Check (Automatic Updates)

This micro-learning module highlights the importance of enabling automatic updates. 0:35 minutes

Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

Server administrators should maintain robust logs of activity on their servers. This module covers the risks associated with improper monitoring. 3:27 minutes

Insufficient Attack Protection

In this module, we’ll discuss web-application requirements regarding detection, prevention and response to both manual and automated attacks. 2:44 minutes

Malware for Educators

This interactive module defines malware and details the dangers it poses to educational institutions, as well as preventative actions. 7:15 minutes

Ransomware and HIPAA

This short module will teach learners the risks of ransomware in the healthcare industry, including whether a ransomware infection is considered a HIPAA data breach. 6:20 minutes

Malware for Financial Institutions

This interactive module covers malware and the dangers it poses to financial organizations as well as preventative actions. 8:04 minutes
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